It was born in January 2021 thanks to the integration of the experience gained by the Nuovo Mondo Cooperative and the Ceur Foundation, thus joining a 30 years history. The Foundation was created for social integration, favoring the meeting and mobility of people and, at the same time, to offer the best conditions during their experience away from home.


It was born in January 2021 thanks to the integration of the experience gained by the Nuovo Mondo Cooperative and the Ceur Foundation, thus joining a 30 years history. The Foundation was created for social integration, favoring the meeting and mobility of people and, at the same time, to offer the best conditions during their experience away from home.


The Foundation offers support to anyone who needs accommodation/assistance

The Foundation, which operates both in Italy and abroad, offers support to anyone who needs accommodation/assistance or is in a particularly difficult situation. In pursuing this goal, the Foundation focuses on enhancing the existing local, environmental, historical and artistic context. To this end, it actively collaborates with public and private entities, with the State, Regions, Municipalities and supranational entities.


Fondazione Camplus has decided to adopt the Code of Ethics to ensure the dissemination and observance of general principles, rules and standards of conduct to safeguard its core values.


Fondazione Camplus has proven experience in managing property complexes. These assets are managed on behalf of public or private entities through structured Facility Management and Property Management. It also has solid experience in offering residential services for students and off-site workers.




Carlo Saggio

VICE president

Maurizio Carvelli


Fabrizio Baravelli


Maura Montanari



The Foundation is open to promoting and developing initiatives and activities

The Foundation operates in the field of the right to education, in part by providing forms of financial support (including grants) for projects, activities and initiatives of other public and private entities.
The Foundation is open to promoting and developing initiatives and activities with entities that have similar or related purposes, and provides them with both technical and financial assistance.


Building and/or managing residences, housing and property complexes, including accommodation, for students, university teachers, seniors, young couples, workers and all those who need “sustainable” mobility, providing related ancillary services

Managing spaces aimed at socialisation, such as co-working, recreational, dining or leisure spaces

Promoting courses, cycles of lessons and seminars, conferences, internships and foreign exchange initiatives: these offer university students, workers and all those interested the opportunity for guidance and exploration in an interdisciplinary framework that encourages critical judgement on the content of cultural and professional training

Establishing scholarships, prizes, grants of various kinds and financial subsidies for university students, young workers and teachers

Offering ancillary services to property rental and management in general, by organising technical assistance such as maintenance, administration and similar services to guarantee well-kept facilities and accommodation suitable to meet residents’ needs

Proponi la tua idea alla Fondazione Camplus

Compila il form e descrivici il progetto, una commissione lo esaminerà e, nel caso venisse ritenuto valido, ci metteremo in contatto con te

Piazza della Resistenza, 9
40122 – Bologna, Italia
Codice Fiscale: 92026690377
Partita IVA: 04080980370
Codice Destinatario: A4707H7


Compila il form e inviaci la tua richiesta, sarà nostra cura risponderti il più presto possibile

Suggest your idea to Camplus Foundation

Fill out the form and describe your idea, a board will evaluate it and, if so, we will contact you

Contact us

Fill out the form and send us your request, we will answer you as soon as possible

Via Fossolo, 23
40139 Bologna (BO), Italia
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 03915491207
R.E.A. n. BO – 566432